Please take the time to read this, for me.

The above photo is a screen shot of a comment left on a blog post I wrote yesterday.
If you would like to see the comment you can CLICK HERE.
But I will be posting it now. Because I think it's something I am going to talk about:

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Grumble Grumble.":

You really think that you're all that don't you? I saw your stupid ass-print button pop up on some of the more popular blogs so I decided to check you out. But all you are is some dumb ass broad, who tries to be everyone else. You have tried to act like besties with One Crazy Brunette Chick, Gucci Mamma, Sage, BiPolar Diva, BB&B, The Queen and the Duchess. But all you do is leave a bunch of stupid ass comments all over their pages, that no one wants to read! Ya sure you've whore'd your name out enough that you're fairly recognizable, but that doesn't make you any less forgettable. If your blog shut down today none of them would remember you. I doubt any of them would notice you were gone. You're just another fat house wife that no one wants to read about. Shut the fuck up already bitch! You will never be good enough to run with the blogs that you keep trying to imitate! Go back a fucking cake and choke on it! Sounds like that is the only way to get you to stop flapping your yap.

Dear Anonymous,

Well yeah...That was unpleasant to wake up to. Thanks for that.
I'm not quite sure where to start with commenting on this. Because I don't know if the way I put myself out there  comes across wrong, or if maybe YOU just read me wrong.
Honestly though....I know I am not trying to be like everyone else. My blog is my own. And I do a little bit of everything. When I started writing this blog I did it for me. And I'm not changing it. I won't change my blog or who I am to be like someone else. And maybe that's what you're not getting? I am being myself and I have made blogger friends. I comment on people's blogs because BLOGGERS LIKE COMMENTS!!! Well...Not comments like yours though. Sometimes I don't know what to say. But I always try to say something! I have told CB more than once that I wish I could be funny like her! Or told Jana from Boobies I wish I was as creative like she is. And I REALLY wish I was as much of a BAMF as the Royal Family so that I could be adopted in too!
But I don't cuss on my blog. (OK maybe just a teensy bit.) I keep stuff a bit more family friendly because MY FAMILY does read this. My Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents,  Cousins... And I am not foul mouthed off my blog. (lol unless my son is not around and I have been drinking. THEN LOOK OUT!!)
That's how I have always been and I still have made some great friends with "some of the more popular" blogs, as you put it. Maybe I won't be featured on "Gucci Shore" or be a part of the Royal Family. But who cares? I'm not blogging to win a popularity contest. I'm blogging because I enjoy doing it.
Here's the best thing about blogging...If you don't like me then CLICK OFF! Don't come around no more.
You act like you're doing everyone a favor! Calling me out! Telling me off! Calling me names! But you hide behind anonymity. You're a coward. And you're wrong.
If you thought you were right you wouldn't be hiding. You would have your friends to back you up.
I might be forgettable, but at least I am not hiding.

As for the rest of your snarky comments....Please just know that I am laughing at you. Anyone can tell fat jokes. I might be forgettable...But at least I am original.
Gues I'll keep on "Flapping my yap." Whether someone is reading it or not.
The best thing is that I won't be hiding when I say what I think.

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sami said...

you tell him. i love reading your blog.they are either jealous or woke up on the wrong side of the bed and if this person doesnt like your blog why was he reading it in the first place. people are so annoying

Gucci Mama said...

Wow! You know how you know when you've "arrived"? You get hate mail. I've gotten it, CB's gotten it, Sage has gotten it; we all have.

When someone spends that much time and energy to tell you everything they don't like about you, that nonsense is a reflection on them. Not you.

Brush it off, love. Don't let them get to you. Keep your chin up.


Mary Catherine said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mary Catherine said...

Wow... YOU GO GIRL! I am so proud of your reply! I would have deleted it and cried! I love how he/she wouldnt even post their name... coward!!

I am proud of you! I love your blog and to be honest, I have never ever heard of those other blogs she compaired you to!


Anonymous said...

I would miss you! I think you're great :) And I'm with you, if you don't like it, back off! No need to be a jerk about it!

Don't let this person get to you too much. Obviously they are bitter with too much time on their hands.

Unknown said...

Holy Cow!! Someone has gotten their panties in a twist! There is room for everyone in Bloggerland.

BNM said...

Whata douche bag! And I agree with Gucci Mama... u know u got rockstar status when you have haters hahaha!! keep on doing what you do & screw the people that dont like it... you see he or she is hiding because they dont want to back up what they have to say!

Unknown said...

Only people with really small dicks write shit like that and anonymously at that. As with me, when I got my first piece of hate mail... I took it as a sign that as a blogger I had arrived! You should too.. and you ROCK!

Nikki said...

Obviously someone must have pissed in their cheerios this morning.

Hey Anonymous, I bet my balls are bigger, cause I'm not afraid to let people know who I am. I'm also smart enough to click off of a blog I don't like instead of bitching about it to get some attention for myself. Sending fat housewife hugs, you ass!

Tara said...

Wow.. how awful! Seriously..that is ridiculous that someone would even take the time.. to write something so nasty.

I had a really bad one last year..upset me.

I think you handled it just fine.

These type of people always hide!

Crazy Brunette said...

Well fuck me...

People have said real nasty shit to me but the fat comments are un-fucking-acceptable. Takes a real trailer park mentality twat to go after someones looks... (You are NOT fat by the way!)

My FIRST piece of hate said they hoped I died and rotted in hell... Well shit fire! I didn't think I was THAT bad.

Okay but I gotta ask... What is BAMF???I have no idea and I'm terribly confused.

Cari said...

Holy shit! That came out of nowhere huh?

I know that there has been some anonymous commenter making the rounds at blogs and saying mean shit. It's pathetic...and I'm sorry it happened to you.

JenH said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Momma Fargo said...

Wow. What is up with nastiness. I'm not sure what that person thought they were accomplishing, but only to make an ass out of themselves. You stay true to yourself and don't let an anonymous blog bully get you down. You rock!

Donda said...

WOW just WOW! There must be a full moon or something because there is all kinds of drama going on everywhere. Take it with a grain of salt. I will be addressing this to anonymous: What would make you take it upon yourself to speak for Gucci, CB and Sage? Just curious.

Mommy Minded said...

Oh my goodness. This is happening everywhere. These people with random names or no names at all write nasty comments on Craigslist, Blogs, Topix... some people really need to get a job... or a life... How sad it must be to wake up everyday and try to annoy people by writting your trashy comments all over the web.

The Queen said...

I hate anyone that leaves an anonymous comment. I think it's fucking chicken shit. I also have no use for people who call you out on your blog,, then when you click their name.. they don't have a blog.. both are the lowest type of shit eating dick faces that walk upright.

now.. excuse me while I check out the rest of your family friendly blog.. since I may have fuck shit all over this part of it.. ha ha ..

it's a royal thing..honey.. no worries.. we cuss in real life too..

Don't change a thing.. stay true to yourself... and rock it baby..

Dazee Dreamer said...

Well, first of all the dumbass said go "back" a cake. hmmmm, does that mean back it into the stove? the refridgerator? Your mouth?

People that hide behind the anonomous shit are losers. I dare them to put their name and blog URL so we can all go check them out. I

I think very blog I follow is unique and I have never found you to try being like anyone else.

I'm trying to use my "nice" words since your family reads this blog, but anon, GO SUCK A FREAKING ROCK.

singlemama_cc said...

If hater hunting were a sport, I'd totally be a fucking all star

Hey asshole,
I see you're still a worthless dicklick taking up space. Still tracking and reporting your IP address's's fun for me. I like to report fuckwads. Keep hatin bitch, you are making us famous

Christy said...

You know you've arrived and are making waves when you get vitriol like that. Keep it coming baby! Fuck those anonymous assholes!

Tree said...

HOLY CRAP! What's up with her?! And where the heck did she get that you were FAT?! I think everyone's have "arrived," so it's time for the "pickin." I don't accept Anon commenters on my blog...if they wanna call me names, they can email me or "show their ugly face" in a real comment. LOL

Kaelin said...

clearly anonymous has issues...

Snowbrush said...

I just arrived. Is this one of those blogs where all your readers take turns trashing you as viciously as they know how, and then you defend yourself as best you can? Cool!

Now, I have a confession to make. I just delete hate mail. I thought I was doing good that way, but now I wonder if I'm old before my time because I NEVER EVER address it. You know, worn-out, over-the-hill, out of the groove, effete. Oh, well, whatever works, works, but just not for everyone. I think people need to work to earn a response. They need to give something worth reading. Puke in Times New Roman, snot in Courier, and diarrhea in Wingdings just doesn't make the cut in my humble estimation, but that's just me.

Anyway, I'm sorry you got the snot, and the puke, and the diarrhea. Maybe I recommend Lysol followed by a strict quarantine of the ailing party.

Paula said...

Just came over from BF and read this comment. It made my day! Such a good laugh! Look, I dont know, and that is not even important as this commenter has problems with him/ herself and not necessary with you. This blog is your little corner in the bloggie world and it is up to you what you do with it. if I dont like it, I will look somewhere else :-)
Hugs across the pond

LB @ Bullets And Biscuits said...

Stay true to yourself and your blog. That is just one asshole's opinion. Delete it and move on like the rock star you are!

Rheanna Bristol said...

Wow! Did someone go off their Meds or what??

I think you just showed so much class in your answer. So many people would have just shot back with immature words and name calling. You go girl. Good for you!

And I bet you 'back' and awesome cake! You rock!

I've never gotten hate mail, so apparently I have yet to arrive in the blog world.

JoJo said...

Congrats on your first hate comment. I remember mine like it was just yesterday. *sigh* You know this makes you one step closer to being famous right?. The fact that even the haters can't get enough of you and waste their time commenting on a blog they claim to not like is pretty big! Bravo miss C. Job well done girl!!

So "Be yourself because the people that mind don't matter and the people that matter don't mind." - Dr. Seuss

Anonymous said...

OMG that is HORRIBLE!!! my god i hate when people act like highschoolers. i'm sure my day is coming but jesus!!

i'm so sorry!! and of course everyone would notice if you were gone!!!

i KNOW i would notice cause i think most my visitors come from your site according to my stats!!!
luvs ya girlio!!! no worries, we all luv ya!!

Anonymous said...

Like I told CB when she had a hater...Someone thinks enough of you to invest valuable time of their day talking about...there's no such thing as bad publicity! ;)

Keep your head up girl..I love your blog!

Anonymous said...

Like I told CB when she had a hater...Someone thinks enough of you to invest valuable time of their day talking about...there's no such thing as bad publicity! ;)

Keep your head up girl..I love your blog!

The Green-Eyed Brat said...

I've only happened across you blog because of my bestie, Diva, I totally agree with CB...saying someone is fat it totally unacceptable...if it's a dude he's a total shit bird.

I don't know about you...but I love to be hated...sorry if ruined your day...have a martini and fuck 'em!

Oh...and I had no idea that the world of blogging was like HS...who would have known that there was an "in" crowd??? Silly me thinking for it was a creative outlet to our everyday ordinary average lives....