Me and my wild friday nights!

So... I am in the hospital. Or well I am in the ER hallway sittin on a gurney.
I STILL could not get in to see my doctor, so I called my ins and got a new doctor, but that doctor couldn't see me today either and I got super sick of havin an ice pack on my hoo ha from the pain and decided to come in.
An ER on a Friday night...ya not too smart. BUT shockingly it was not busy at all They are doing all sorts of tests and I'm hooked up to an IV that will hopefully will have some happy juice in it.
My cell service is nill...But they have free wifi so I can blog and face book chat since I was smart enough to bring my netbook.

But I keep smellin bacon, and that reminds me that I haven't eaten yet today and I am STARVING!!!

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Dazee Dreamer said...

oh my gosh, what the hell happened to your hoo-ha?

Mel said...

I hope you feel better fast! That totally sucks to spend a Friday night in the ER. Hopefully they will let you know what's up.

Joy said...

I am so sorry! I hope you feel better soon, keep us updated :)

sami said...

my friend is in the hospital to she was due on the 14th and they couldnt take her last night cause the hospital was full so she finally got in today after getting the run around this morning and there is no fluid in her tummy anymore so its a dry birth what is dangerous cause of infection and stuff. and they induced her i wish they would of done a c section its making me so worried right now.

None said...

I hope they have you feeling better by now. I know how horrible cysts can be. I have had several of them. Hope your better today.

m. said...

hope you're feeling much better very soon.

Donda said...

"oh my gosh, what the hell happened to your hoo-ha?" Did you get someone over-excited????