My Very First GiveAway! Come check It out!
Grip those Headboards tightly ladies, cause this gieaway might make your knees wobble!
We just switched Caden from a Toddler bed to a Twin size bed and he is loving it! However I need to buy him some bedding that fits his new bed and his new big boy attitude! He has seriously outgrown his Natural Winnie the Pooh bedset!
Caden is a typical boy, he likes Blue and sports! So I started looking, and found EXACTLY what I wanted at CSN Stores.
It's a Sports Collage Quilt. And I think this will grow with him perfectly!
Not only that but I found the EXACT headboard I was wanting as well.
I had so much fun picking out stuff for Caden that I decided to look for some things for my room as well and ended up with ANOTHER Headboard! My room is very romanitc with Purple's and silvery greys! This is going to look so FAB!!
So now that I'm done giving you the urge to shop, ready for the Giveaway!?
CSN is giving one of my lucky followers a $50.00 gift certificate! How wonderful is that?!
1. Promote the $50 Gift Certificate giveaway on your website or blog or FaceBook page with a link to "Life As I See It" , and let me know what you would use the $50.00 Gift Certificate for if you are my lucly winner!
Then add a comment on this post with a link to your promotion.
2. Make sure that you are a follower of this blog by clicking on the follow button.
3. Become a Fan of "Life As I See It" on Facebook by clicking on the FaceBook link on the right!
4. "Like" CSN Stores on FaceBook.
5. And don't forget to comment on THIS post that you did all of that!
This contest is opened to Canadians and United States-ians entrants only. You do not have to ba a blogger to enter this contest, although why wouldn't you want to? I will be announcing the winner on July 2nd, 2010 on This blog. (That's next Friday!!)

Congrats on your first giveaway.
It is exciting when a little one moves up to a big kid bed.
I took a peak at your lilac headboard. Fabulous. I love the purple and silver combo in decorating.
I've visited CSN store site many times.
I know that who ever wins your giveaway will be blessed.
I don't have either a FB, blog or website so I can't enter.
Just wanted to wish you well with your blog.I think I visited your blog last year a few times, too. I found you, again via of Simply Stacie. You left a comment in one of her giveaways.
First giveaways are so exciting! Congrats and thank you for the opportunity! I love CSN! I could spend ALL day browsing there!
I've posted your giveaway on my facebook wall as Terri S.......e!/profile.php?id=100000506203030
If I were to win, I'd use the gift certificate towards:
Our (new to us) house is filled (oh, joy) with not so lovely brass light fixtures from the 80's.
tsue1136 at yahoo dot com
I follow you on google friend connect as tsue1136
tsue1136 at yahoo dot com
like you on facebook as
Terri S.......e & wrote on your wall
tsue1136 at yahoo dot com
like CSN on facebook also as
Terri S.......e
tsue1136 at yahoo dot com
For my 5th entry, I'm letting you know that I've completed all your recommended entries and I'm also following you on networked blogs as
Terri S.......e now as well :)
tsue1136 at yahoo dot com
Your first giveaway, how exciting! And it's a fantastic prize, too!
Here we go!
I promoted this giveaway on my blog:
If I win I would use it towards getting the Shane and Shawn Women's Karlson shoes in Red.
lyndadawinda1074 at yahoo dot com
I’m following you publicly via GFC. ID: lyndadawinda1074
lyndadawinda1074 at yahoo dot com
I “LIKE” you on Facebook! ID: Lynda Castillo
lyndadawinda1074 at yahoo dot com
I "Like" CSN Stores on FaceBook. ID: Lynda Castillo
lyndadawinda1074 at yahoo dot com
Thanks for the chance!
Congrats on your first giveaway!
I linked to facebook!!/carissa.sutton?v=wall&story_fbid=135957493096539
I am definitely going to buy a new stroller if I am the lucky winner!
I'm a follower!
I'll do this for my Honey Cheeks, LOL. I'll put up the post tomorrow.
Hello there. I'm doing this too. I've commented on "Lunatic Cafe" and I'm adding you to my awesome blogroll and adding you my facebook likes. Good luck with your giveaway.
Whew I think I did it all! I really hope I can win so I can pretty up that RV because right now it's man world, lol.
Posted on my FB wall here:!/jana0107?v=wall&story_fbid=139756632708482
boobiesbabiesandablog AT gmail DOT com
I follow your fab bloggy! (BoobiesBabies&ABlog)
I'm your FB Fan (Jana A)
CSN STores FB Fan (Jana A)
Did it all for you! (And
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