Steal This City for Me.

Steal this city.
Let it always be named after me.
Rope it tight.
And we'll drive off dragging it behind us.
Your eyes shine brighter with the stars reflected in them.

Welcome to my world.
The colors are so much brighter here.
And you are always so perfect
that I think I'll hold your hand forever.

That choice I need to make.
I'm afraid it will be too late.
Or maybe not soon enough.

Always call this city by my name when you speak of it.
Make the other girls jealous for me.
I'll hold the key, and you can unlock the door for me
when I come to visit.

Take the top down and speed through these streets.
Pretend that the wind will strip the past from us
and lay us clean and bare on the doorstep of a new life.
Second chances. It's all we need right?

Steal this city for me,
and I'll pretend this is just an illicit weekend for us.
Nothing serious going on in my head.
Not Now. Not Ever.
We'll even pretend that lie didn't happen.

Take this city by force.
And it will always be ours.
And you will never know that when I am in it
it's the only time I'm really alive.

The rest of the time I'm a haze in a fog.
Next to nothing.
But in this city, when I give you the key, I come alive.
But I never told you that part did I?

It's fine.
Just ignore that part.
I only write these nice lines
so that the harsh ones don't obscure the features of your face
that I love so much.

Steal this city.
Let it always be named after me.
Rope it tight.
And we'll drive off dragging it behind us.
Your eyes shine brighter with the stars reflected in them.

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Eva said...

I love the title of this one. It speaks volumes. And I forgot to say in the last post, that is a beautiful picture of you. Hope today is better than this weekend was.