Caden my Caden.

Caden is going to be 4 on Oct 17th. It's just a few weeks away. I remember when he was born and I was thinking that one day I would have to send him off to school, he would get married, and have children of his own. But then I told myself not to worry about those things, it's so far away! Now I am a year or so away from school time...and it doesn't seem so far away now. Is this how it will be with everything? Before I know it his life will fly past..? It makes me scared. Am I using my time with him to the fullest?
Well I already know the answer to that one...
I spent most of last week painting his room. He is so in love with it. Him and his stuffed bear Jeff.

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Anonymous said...

He's amazing!!!

MissCrystal said...

Thank you. I tend to think so too. :-)