Tiny Comeback

Tiny Comeback

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It's been almost 2 years since I have blogged. I used to write all the time, just in my books. And the last few months, I haven't had a desire to write. But today, I realized that I am ready to get back to blogging. I have so much to say again. This year, 2019, I have moved

The Story I Will Write One Day

The Story I Will Write One Day

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I am not the first person you have loved. And you are not the first man I have smiled at with forever on my lips. We have both known loss like the sharp edges of a knife. We have both lived with flesh more scar tissue than skin. What we have now came unannounced in the middle of



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Coward Image
You said you were afraid to lose me, and then you faced your fear and left. Oh no please. It's all my fault. My fault for assuming your protestations of love were more than just air. My fault for thinking you cared. Let me take another step back. Give you more room to be a coward. It's funny

Break Up Dance

Break Up Dance

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It was a beautiful dance.With your sharp sword, and my unguarded soul.You watched me bleed until I couldn't breathe.Tripping over pieces of my heart in your haste to escape.I'm sorry my love wasn't big enough, to stop trains, like in the cinemas. To hold your attention while fully clothed.  It's the nature of things, when I saw you

What You are like, in my mind.

What You are like, in my mind.

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What You are like, in my mind. Image
You're like the calm after the storm. The steady, stalwart presence, of everything that's left unbroken and still standing. A beacon of hope and perseverance. You are the peace after a long day. When no words are needed. When it's nothing in particular, but all of the little things piled up, and I just need to let a

Heart Break Resolutions

Heart Break Resolutions

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When my ex husband left me, it should have been a wake-up call.  But it wasn't. He left me with $3000 in debt to the electrical company,  and a house we were being evicted from. I had less than a month to come up with the money to move into a new place.  I found a 2 bedroom

You Pull Away

You Pull Away

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You hold yourself back from me. One carefully measured step. I can feel it. Even though you think I can't. It scares me. Please don't make me fight for you. I think too much. We both know it. I over analyze it all. But only I know how much that destroys me. You think I need you too

What You've Become

What You've Become

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I don't know all that you've done. Or if I like what you've become. But something told you to run. And honey I know you, it's all or it's none. There were sounds in my head, Little voices whispering, That you would go and this would end. And you found yourself listening. But I don't know who I



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I want to be timeless. Just as I am now. So when you finally see that it's always been me You get beauty you can adore. I want you.  With eyes like the sea after a storm. Eyes I can drown in. You're the words I play on repeat at night. The ones I whisper with a smile.



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Someone to wake up to. To share the weather with, then the coffee. Someone to dream with—to plan and scheme and celebrate with. Someone to win with, and someone to lose with. Someone to care for and protect—and to let go of and watch fly. Someone to stare at in wonder, and to think, “That heart loves mine.” Someone

City of Bones

City of Bones

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You made your choice, and I'll move on. Trading one heartbreak for another. Pain has such a beautiful edge when you're in love with someone who sees themselves as broken. You were never going to tell me you loved me, and not for any of the romantic reasons I had in my head. Simply because I scare you.



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Daring  Image
You set fire to my skin while placing my heart at peace. I see your value, even through your darkness. The darkness and light that fractures across your body in a beautiful mosaic. All of the pieces that hold you together and pull you a part and create a human I adore. And so, I try to prove

You could be the one

You could be the one

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This isn’t about ultimatums—it’s about the reality that comes with loving me. I don’t compete, nor do I come in as a savory consolation prize when what you really wanted remains just out of your grasp. This isn’t to say that I plan on placing you under lock and key—because I don’t. I don’t know what tomorrow’s sunrise

Lost Love

Lost Love

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The shadow of what we had haunts me. I remember  you,  and how you'd hold me. Always keeping me safe. Reminding me in all of the little ways,  that I was too naive to notice, that I was loved. I ache to make you understand how sorry I am for breaking you. For breaking us both. I don't

Understanding this Miss

Understanding this Miss

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1.  I am difficult to love,  with impossibly high walls,  but I am worth it. 2. Being a mother will always be my first priority.  Love me as a mom.  Love my kid, he is worth it too. 3. I won't give out chances like candy.  Life is too short to be  miserable questioning someone's honesty.  And I'll



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Try as I may, I never seem  to learn. My mistakes return to haunt me. Reminders that I'm still not good enough. They stand before me with judgement in their eyes: "You're the reason no one stays. " It hurts and angers me that I can't let them go. They carry the faces of the ones I love.



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Scars Image
Not all of my scars can be seen. But close your eyes and you can feel them. They pulse like rain under my skin. Haunting my bones and all of the lovely corners of my memories. I'm staring at a thousand little pieces,  each one is needed. How to make them whole again? I no longer know if



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Stay Image
I never counted the cost to myself,  of what it meant to stay. Continuously trapping myself in a cycle of pain. I was too busy trying to convince you I was worth staying around for. I never stopped to wonder if you were worth it. So willing to pay any cost,  no thought to my own needs. I

Just Bring It

Just Bring It

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My checkered past has made me who I am. It has made me more interesting, possibly more appealing. It has given me my unfathomable depths; full of mysteries that have yet to be fully revealed, even to myself. So, I have no desire to take find a man who is flawless, who has no baggage, because I always

So to Love Me

So to Love Me

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p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; line-height: 120%; } To love Me—madly, truly, deeply—takes one hell of a determined heart, for I am as wild as they come. In my commitment to ever-evolving and ever-transforming my self and this world we live in, I will push and pull— because I understand that any life worth living well must be built



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Have you ever received a compliment that you don't feel as though you deserve? I get told I'm brave. I hear that one often actually. 1. I'm brave because I left home at a young age and took care of myself. 2. I'm brave because I live 2000 miles away from my family. 3. I'm brave to have

I should tell you, I should...

I should tell you, I should...

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I should tell you, I should...  Image
They warn that you can't make people into home, but when you put your arms around me I swear you're the 4 walls meant to keep me safe. I doubt a kiss can predict the future, but if our lips should meet I'm sure I'll taste the next chapter of my life. I know that people aren't medicine,

What I Mean Is

What I Mean Is

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When I say I miss you, what I mean is that everything reminds me of you. Wood. Tea. Cars. Water. Dogs. Books. Spoons. Cushions. Socks. Rain. Toast. Wind chimes. Children. Everything has a connection to you. The way you might feel about something, how you might look at something, what you might say to someone... You are everywhere.

Scared to lose

Scared to lose

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It's taken me all this time to realize you never once said you were scared to lose me. Those were my lines. Whispered and screamed on repeat. It shouldn't have surprised me when you left. When you could walk away with a cold finality. You weren't scared of losing me. You never saw me as a loss.

Trespassers Will

Trespassers Will

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I'm awake.And alive.And I don't know what I'm seeing.All of a sudden my dreams seem perpendicular. The world can't hold me in.You have a dark edge that calls to the predator in me.Maybe I'll let it consume me. Revel in it.Or walk that fine glittering line that defines the darkness and the light.My imagination tires of wandering the world for my amusement. I'll